Learn how to use SketchUp for Interior Designing. How to make 3D model of your home from rough measurements or from CAD drawings. How to apply materials and textures, place furniture and do basic animation. Courses is divided into Two Sections. First section focuses on software and second on creating interior components.
Section 1- SketchUp
This section teaches SketchUp from the very basic level. All the commands required to create a model and then organize it are covered. 3D modeling commands such as push-pull and follow me are covered with examples. Basically this course will make you skilled in sketchup software so that you are able do work on civil, architectural, interior or mechanical drawings.
Introduction to Interface
Selecting and Changing Templates
Assigning shortcuts to Commands
Components Download
Basic Commands
Hide / Unhide
Orbit / Pan / Rotate
Zoom Extent/ Zoom Window / Zoom to Photo
Parallel Projection / 2 Point Perspective/ Prospective
Eraser / Paint Bucket / Protector / Dimension / 3D Text
Visual Styles
Edge Style
Face Style
Camera Settings
Position Camera
Look Around
Move, Rotation and Scaling
Tape Measure
As Guide Creation
As Measurement Tool
As Scaling an Image
Shadows and Fog
Section Planes and How to use them
Turn On/Off
Create New Axes
Drawing in 2D
Shapes (Circe, Rectangle, Polygon, Rotated Rectangle)
3D Modeling
As Sweep
As Revolve
Move, Rotate, Scale and Offset
Rectangular and Polar Array
Fillet & Chamfer
Bezier Curves
Applying Materials
Creating and Editing Materials
Exporting Materials
Importing Materials from Other Scenes
Loading Materials into Scene
Advance Commands
Creating Sandbox (From Contours / From Scratch)
Editing Sandbox
Extrude Along Path
Revolve Surfaces
Simple Loft
Advance Camera Tools
Applying Styles and Editing them
Creating Animation
Import and Export
Import as Image/Texture
Export as Image and Video
Creating 3D model from Existing Photographs
Section 2- Modeling Interior Components
This section teaches you how to proceed from 2d drawing or from rough measurements to 3D model. Then you will practicing on the all the architectural and interior components and after that you will modeling a whole scene (Kitchen / Bed Room / Living Room)
Floor Plan
Creating Floor Plan
Converting Floor plan to 3D model
Doors and Windows
Roof -Plain, Gable, Sloped, Mansard
Creating Interior Components
Furniture- Chair, Table, Cabinets, Bed
Creating Lighting Components
Placing Lighting Components
Downloading and Placing Components
- Practice on one of the scenes (Living, Bedroom, Dining, Kitchen).
- Creating 3D model from Existing Photographs
Section 3- Advance SketchUp Modeling with Dynamic Components
We will be starting this sections by learning how to move and rotate objects. We will make simple dynamic furniture and learn how to slide or open doors of a drawer. Then we will focus on windows and doors. How to animate Windows and doors? How to close and open doors and window? How to scale them in such a way that they do not get distort? Materials and Pricing pay an important in interior designing so we will focus on these two also. How to change material of a component by just clicking on it? How to show price to a customer? How to flash a message on screen? We will even learn how to change material and show different price (dynamic pricing) and in end we will learn simple behavior and formulas such as Hidden and Randbetween.
Course Outline
- Course Fee: Rs 8000/-
- Mode: Online One-to-One
- Duration: 30 Hours